Stay Strong Wuhan 武汉加油. 火神山

HouShenShan 火神山Hospital literally means: "Fire God Moutain"
LeiShenShan 雷神山  literally means: "Thunder God Mountain"

This city was older than recorded Chinese history, the area had been inhabited long before the Trojan War, it began before Romulus founded Rome. It sat as the transportation hub throughout the Han dynasty. It was an eternal place of culture that arced from Chu to Han to Tang, to the Song, to the Yuan + the Ming and the Qing. It was where China first became a Republic, and it's where the the longest, largest and arguably the most significant battle in the early stages of the Second Sino Japanese War occurred. And where the 1st fruits of economic liberal reforms succeeded. The story of China, the oldest and newest of converged here. It will stand, and it will heal again.

A city of water and pagodas. Distinguished both as a place of culture and transportation hub.

Liu Bei was here, so was Guan Yu and Cao Cao. So were the best of the Tang
poets, the scholar-Princes of the Song, Kublai Khan made his career here. The 1st Republic
of China was born here. It was older than the Zhou, and in the 20th century it was 
the place where China stood defiant against the invaders. The 21st century it will see the
doctors and nurses stand against another. Stay Strong Wuhan, all of the worthies of the past are still within you. Live with your endurance. Live through this, we will be waiting
in the finish line with you. 武汉加油


流云飞袖 said…
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流云飞袖 said…
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Der said…
The death rate of coronavirus is less than 2% ... they say over 100k people are infected but only 300 have died so far. The regular flu is worse no?? So why the panic??
Dragon's Armory said…
Well who's panicking? Are you talking to 萧炎?
This piece is a refutation. The entire western internet is mostly mocking and hating on Wuhan and goaded by the worst and most ignorant of Reddit idiots. This gives context to the great city. If they want to ball all of Wuhan into this hateful image of mockery I feel I am responsible to give them the other facets of its ancient story.

Never mind how ridiculous it has gotten with the Western tabloids. Influenza alone kills over 40,000 citizens in the US annually. In 2009 the Mexican- US Swine-flu spread and killed over 12,000 US citizens, spread to 200 countries, and was also declared a Stage 4 global Pandemic but no one seemed to even remember it today. Obama just kind of "Keep on Carry On" and after its over most people just shrugged and moved on with their lives. Also Ebola and MERS were much more deadly, with MERS having a 30% fatality rate. But some how a video of a Chinese Vlogger in Palau- Pacific Islands sampling a local dish like Andrew Zimmer or Anthony Bourdain is now emblematic of the entire Chinese race. Imagine After Ebola Africans and Blacks in general are told to not travel, to get out, or to stay away.

Oh no, it's not panicking, DER, it's something else, this is something I will never let go.
流云飞袖 said…
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Der said…
Maybe this is a good thing. It shows the true face of the world towards China and the Chinese. Hopefully this will foster more unity and solidarity amongst Chinese people ... recreating the historical fact of Chinese / Barbarian Dichotomy ... Han / Wu ... the Center and World. Perhaps the Chinese can take its place amongst the Jews as a hated people of the world, but instead of a global population of 15 million, the Chinese are 1.5 billion, ... the hatred of others creates solidarity doesn't it?
流云飞袖 said…
There is no genetic difference between north and south China. Many differences are caused by environment, climate and customs
TheXanian said…

First of all, there's indeed genetic difference between Northern and Southern Chinese. Northern Chinese are more homogeneous as a group, while Southern Chinese have more diversities, especially the further south you go.

Secondly, it's not just the Cantonese that eat strange things (I really think that the eating habits of the Cantonese has been demonized on internet discussions, actually it's not that horrible), every culture has its own version of strange food, such as Korean's passion for eating live octopuses, Japanese's passion for eating raw fish and whale, or French's passion for eating snails and frogs. Even in Northern China (I guess you're Northern Chinese judging by your comments) there are people who eat silkworm cocoons, and bats are eaten in Africa, SE Asia, and Papua-New Guinea.

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