Bishamonten - Statue in Chinese Armor, Todaji 多闻天王 ♢ 毘沙門天

战神. War God Bishamonten Statue in Chinese Armor, 
Todaji, Japan. 多闻天王 ♢ 毘沙門天


Der said…
Is this Mountain Scale Armour?
Dragon's Armory said…
Not quite, its a late Tang armor and if you look at the faulds (with coin shaped motifs) it actually look like chainmail
流云飞袖 said…
There are some ***** at the bottom of the picture. 污污污污~
流云飞袖 said…
Aren't you planning to write an article about liangzhu culture?
The liangzhu civilization flourished in the area of Shanghai for some time, but was eventually replaced by the Chinese Huaxia civilization.
Of course, the baiyue people still exist. They have integrated with the Chinese people, and the baiyue language has deeply influenced the southern Chinese dialect
Anonymous said…
The Japanese statue of celestial figures of those era were heavily influenced by China as early Northern Wei dynasty. Northern Wei despite its " foreign " Xianbei origin did have significant influence and enriched the Northern China culture of that time. Although , Japan was already influenced prior to that, the influences were the at its height on Japan from Northern Wei to Tang Dynasty.
Dragon's Armory said…
Yeah the Tang was definitely Northern. If you look at the statues and fashions (as well as organizational structures) from the Southern Dynasties they still looked like Han designs.

Idk, I like the Tang more than any of the Southern dynasties so I guess China lucked out with the Tang in the end. They have their problems but I find them to be the most interesting dynasty. Much of their aethetics was incoporated into Japan

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