Ming ladies in the Palace 明朝女士
Photographer: 蝈蝈小姐
Models: 小心头-小意头
Makeup: 乔木-叶子(心头), 十里陈 (意头)
Ming noblewomen in silk dress with embroidered silk thread sleeves and ornate fans.
Music: Chui Si Dao (Ming)

Thank you to my Patrons who has contributed $10 and above: You made this happen!
➢ ☯ Muramasa
➢ ☯ MK Celahir
➢ ☯ Thomas Vieira
➢ ☯ Kevin
➢ ☯ Vincent Ho (FerrumFlos1st)
➢ ☯ BurenErdene Altankhuyag
➢ ☯ Stephen D Rynerson
➢ ☯ Michael Lam
➢ ☯ Peter Hellman
➢ ☯ SunB
