High Tang Dynasty Armor 大唐明光甲
Lokapala (Celestial Guardian) from Yulin Cave 5 in Gansu China. Most of the Tang helmets
for the high ranking military officers have extended cheek pieces- in this case neck protectors
(termed Shikoro in Japanese) that were phased out in succeeding Chinese dynasties,
however, they would become a common fixture for the samurai helmets in Japan.
Another Celestial Guardian from Yulin Cave 25 Maitreya Sutra in China, displaying a guardian with a helmet with prominent winged cheek pieces- for the samurais of the succeeding centuries, namely during the Hein era- they would term such pieces Fukigaeshi.
A rare example of a Tang heavy cavalryman from the Yulin Cave #25 Northern Wall. The massive plume and orb like object above his head is not attached to the horseman but rather a foreshortened object in the background. The soldier is almost entirely encased in heavy lamellar armor, and carries a distinctive painted lacquer shield with kite- like 4 color motif. In his left hand he carries a battle axe and a bow is slung by his side.

Closeup of of a military parade from the Mogao Caves which displayed the Tang heavy cavalry in full combat gear, supplanted by heralds and ensigns (probably Central Asian auxiliaries) in silk uniforms. The surburst banner depicted here in orange, teal, and a golden center have led some historians to suggest it was the official sigil of the Tang empire.
Tang dynasty scroll discovered near the Mogao Caves
depicting a Tang officer's armor in detail.
Note the prismatic belt he wears and the floral motifs
For more about the Tang military, please check out my
other Tang dynasty pieces.

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➢ ☯ Stephen D Rynerson
➢ ☯ SRS (Mr. U)
JK :D, So far its only some factions of historians that have suggested that. Though even if its the regional war banner of a frontier Governor, it's still during this period.
Thanks for the response. Let me clarify my poorly spoken question. I mean that this flag is very uncharacteristic of ancient Chinese flags is it not? Or am I influenced too much by Chinese movies and TV shows LOL ?? I was under the impression that traditional flags used by the Chinese had a Chinese character denoting a the name of a dynasty or surname? You find this in Western flags too with words written out like many American State flags. Personally I find this type of design motif more appealing in Chinese flags because the Chinese writing system.
Speaking of regimental identities, many of the elite divisions will also have their own flags, many elites are called tiger wedges or tiger formations and they have their own distinctive tiger banners. Other times, Dragons and Qilins (Kirins) bat-winged tigers, monsters from Buddhist cosmology (like Yakshas, imps, 4 heavenly Kings) or Daoist Trigrams, Daoist Immortals. etc
The commander's own units would usually have prominent, as well as small hand held signal banners with "令" (lit. command) on them.
Before the rise of Buddhism and popularity of Daoism, ... I'm thinking during the Spring and Autumn Period and of course the Warring States Period ... what were the banners like then??
I do would like to postulate that its very likely there are many depiction of mythic animals such as Tigers- for instance the elite guards of the King of Western and Easter Zhou are called Tiger guards, which became a fixture in most Chinese armies afterwards. Or ones depicting Qi Lin and other mythical animals. Another popular simple is the Big Dipper, 7 segmented gram figure which symbolizes ultimate arcane powers.
And then there are some really crazy ones for the Pre Qin China, there is the demonic
Chiyou (蚩尤)
Which is an ape like imp whose every limb could grasp a sword and whose back or his head carries an automatic crossbow
There is the almost Japanese bird demon creatures such as the
eagle-faced Thunder God (雷神 Léishén) which has the head of a bird, winged arms, but wields weapons in both to punish sinners.
Some historians seem to think these anthropomorphized mythical beasts are allegories, or at least the venerated totemic spirits of rival tribes that once fought against the legendary Yellow Emperor. And- just like the Gods of the Philistines who fought against the ancient Hebrews and Caananites, such as Dagon and Baal, these Gods eventually were appropriated or distorted into their eventual Chinese forms.
For more on the Yellow Emperor read here. He's legendary reign was pretty much an allegory of some ancient chieftan or King (Like King Arthur) that dominated the ancient Central Plains. I personally would bet that such a God like figure was once a man and a great conqueror but laid down laws and invented much until he's own life became almost supernatural. Never forgot that although Romulus existed, when he "died" the Romans described him as having being "lifted into a storm" during a thunderstorm, and he simply disappeared.
The chinese-influenced one is likely to be the o-yoroi kabuto. Armor used from the end of the X century to the mid XII century, used by early mounted archers samurai:
Btw is there any surviving tang helmet that really looks like o-yoroi kabuto?