Zhou Dynasty Jade Dragon Pendant 周代玉龙坠

Knotted jade dragon pendant, Eastern Zhou dynasty, 
4th century B.C, Warring States Period, China


流云飞袖 said…
You should watch this video, it has a lot of useful information.
Dragon's Armory said…
Interesting video man :)

I have actually seen a number of these from many video makers and Youtube history hobbyists and they are all quite interesting. Each with their own biases of course but the ones I think are most useful to me are those with a large region where you can almost see an entire continent's progress and conflicts. Those really put things in perspective
流云飞袖 said…
hahaha,ok.😄 Besides, do you like Chinese animation?
剑网三正剧 预告 https://youtu.be/Kj9QjgAPahQ
凡人修仙传 预告 https://youtu.be/ERiUtIF23fo
斗破苍穹特别篇1 https://youtu.be/xUUzuaUFkjo
斗破苍穹特别篇2 https://youtu.be/5eGxQy6wGLA
Dragon's Armory said…
I do, quite a lot actually. 😉

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