Warlords of Three Kingdoms: Yuan Shao 袁紹

Yuan Shao: Proud and arrogant, and if you were Yuan Shao you would probably have the same reason to feel that way. Descended from nearly impeccable lineage, Yuan Shao was one of the most influential leaders in the late Han court during the transition from Han to the age of high warlordom that followed. Both he, his half brother Yuan Shu and his long time friend Cao Cao witnessed the rapid disintegration of imperial power first hand. Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu slaughtered the eunuchs and later Yuan Shao and Cao Cao helmed the anti- Dong Zhuo coalition which saw most of northern China mobilized against Dong Zhuo's tyranny and kick started the age of warlords. He would later resoundingly destroy his rival Gongsun Zan in the north but was eviscerated in turn by Cao Cao. 


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